Everyday, approximately 20 military service members take their own lives, according to a report released in 2018 by the Department of Veteran Affairs (VA). Not only are we committed to increasing public knowledge and awareness of PTS, we are also devoted to honoring the memory of the fallen who have been lost to a PTS related cause, as well as providing comfort and support to their mourning families.
Service members are not the only ones suffering. Families of the fallen are left overwhelmed from complicated grief long after the loss of a loved one. We will support these families by honoring and remembering their loved one and providing them with event memorabilia. We will network grieving families and loved ones of the fallen who can help and support each other throughout the grieving process as well as share with them valuable resources to help heal.
In an effort to accomplish this mission we plan to be visible at various events so that we can educate the public, raise awareness, share valuable resources, and answer questions regarding PTS.
While accomplishing our mission we hope to see the stigma of PTS removed through public awareness and education so that the service member may seek and receive the medical treatment and social support they need and deserve. We also hope to make contact with suffering service members and families to let them know they are not alone and that help is available.
Our motivation is clear: we want to reduce 20 veteran suicides a day to zero. Find out here how we became motivated, and what events and actions brought us together to battle this dire issue.
As a non-profit organization relying primarily on the help of volunteers, donations of all sizes are immensely appreciated.
Meet our co-founders and team to discover the reasons for their unwavering support of our active duty military, veterans and supporting their loved ones.
We've gathered both local and national attention. Check out what these publications have to say about us.
If you have any questions we weren't able to address or would like additional information on our mission, please free to message us.
View 22 Too Many merchandise available for purchase on our Facebook page here. More merchandise offerings will be added soon. We also have t-shirt promotions throughout the year.